Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Cookies and baby talk

Are there any bachelorette fans out there?? Well it started last night and I could not be more thrilled. Since John and I don't have a TV, we went to a friends to watch it. When John and I first moved to Oklahoma I was pregnant with Myla and I made friends with three other pregnant ladies in our ward. Our four babies were born all within three weeks of each other. Anyways, we get together all the time and we all watched the bachelorette last night with our babies and husbands. It was so much fun! I am not the biggest Andi fan but she definitely looked stunning last night. The only guy that really stood out to me was the farmer. I don't even remember his name but he's handsome, a hard worker, and probably has good morals! It will be fun to see how it all turns out.

Well, I made these cookies for our little party last night and they were a hit! I cannot express to you how many times I have tried baking chocolate chip cookies and they never seem to come out right. They're just never the right texture or flavor. But I think I have finally mastered the art and it feels good! Just take a look at my perfectly deliciously looking chocolate chip cookies. 

The recipe I used is definitely different than the traditional recipe. You can find it here. This recipe is all about making them chewy and delicious. It calls for cornstarch. I have only used cornstarch twice in my life. I have attempted to make gravy but I kind of failed at it, and then as a kid, my brother and I would mix flour, water, and cornstarch and it makes this weird putty stuff. Does anybody know what I'm talking about? Well it was super cool and it totally makes me want to make some right now just for my own enjoyment. This recipe also has you melt the butter. This makes them extra chewy! Plus it makes the mixing easier. Especially for those of us who don't own a Kitchenaid mixer... someday though. And lastly, it calls for one egg, and one egg yolk. Apparently that yolk contributes to the chewy factor. Anyways, they have turned out totally delicious all four times I have made them so I am hooked. I am officially more domestic than I was before.

Also, Myla is finding her voice more and more every day! I think she is totally adorable but maybe I'm just a little biased.

I keep on telling her that if she would just open her mouth a little bigger then she could get more words out but she insists on opening just enough to force the noise out.

xoxo, Missy Dorius

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